Tag Archives: Common Core Standards

Curriki’s Top Ten Projects for 2010 (Message from the Executive Director)


At this time of the year, everyone is providing you with lists of the best or worst from 2009. Education and educational technology have their share of lists including best educational software, best blogs and 20 innovative technology leaders.  So it seems appropriate for me to use this first blog of 2010 to share with you the best ideas for Curriki for 2010.

Looking ahead, Curriki has an ambitious agenda for achieving some very important goals that reflect the Top Ten Projects for 2010. These goals reflect the best thinking of our community and our staff.  The projects will help to grow the community and the repository, and will facilitate the delivery of and access to high quality educational curricula.

The Top Ten Projects for 2010 include:

  1. Build a comprehensive K–12 core curriculum that is high-quality, standards-aligned, free, open and sharable
  2. Provide standards alignment capability so members can reference resources based on state (or subject) specific standards
  3. Develop a “Curriki Educator” program for professional development around open and shared content that addresses teacher effectiveness
  4. Improve the Curriki platform to enable a best-in-class user experience
  5. Grow the community through expanded use of social networking facilities such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn
  6. Create additional content and curriculum tools that allow for the development and sharing of student activities
  7. Provide activities parents can do with their children around the core content in the Curriki repository
  8. Link assessment data to the Curriki content repository so content selection is driven by student test results and collaborate feedback of the curricula
  9. Provide new tools for easily building and using specialized collections

10. Build an open and shared curricula community that will change the way we think about teaching and learning

These important Curriki projects are carefully aligned with the goals of many organizations that are the change agents for education in 2010.

Race to the Top: The Washington Post quoted Secretary Duncan as saying that he plans to use the Race to the Top funds; “to really challenge states and partner with them to dramatically raise standards . . . and think very differently about how we recruit great teachers, reward them, recognize and incent them.”

NASBE Rethinking the Role of Instructional Materials:  “As the use of digital and open content becomes more prevalent, state boards of education will need to more seriously consider the knowledge and skills students need to effectively and safely navigate and contribute to online content in all its forms (text, image, video, audio).”

CCSSO – Common Core State Standards Initiative:  “Forty-nine states and territories have joined the Common Core State Standards Initiative. The initiative is being jointly led by the NGA Center and CCSSO in partnership with Achieve, Inc, ACT and the College Board. It builds directly on recent efforts of leading organizations and states that have focused on developing college-and career-ready standards and ensures that these standards can be internationally benchmarked to top-performing countries around the world.”

UNESCO – OER Research Agenda Discussion Report: “The promise of OER, then, resides not only in the resources themselves, but also in developing the conceptual framework and methodological approaches that organize, manage and ascribe meaning to them. This is the reason for seeking to develop a research agenda for OER: to support resource development and use in the most effective manner possible.”

Curriki is truly a collaborative community that depends on the contributions of each member, user, contributor and visitor.  In 2010, the success of our Top Ten Projects will depend on YOU!  I hope you are ready to help.

Bobbi Kurshan

Executive Director


Twitter: @Curriki

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