Tag Archives: The World is Open: How Web Technology is Revolutionizing Education

The Learning Century and the Sharing Decade

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[tweetmeme] Thanks to Chris Bonk for giving Curriki a big shout out in the video “The World is Open“–an interview where he discusses his recent book, The World is Open: How Web Technology is Revolutionizing Education.

Interview excerpt:

Jenny House: We say to educators around the world, “Your students will participate in a global economy and they must be prepared for that”. Yet, none of the educators that are teaching these children have participated in a global economy. This is as new to them as anybody else. What are some international examples of how the Internet can help this? …

Curt Bonk: …A teacher’s job this coming decade…In this decade if we had to label it something internationally, it would be ‘the sharing decade’. We have moved from using technology to enhance or extend what we do with CDs shrink wrapped into books and so forth. Now we’re moving into transforming and sharing what we are doing so that the teachers role is to share internationally with people using tools like Curriki that Sun Microsystems (Scott McNealy) was involved in… and Connexions another tool like Curriki from Rice University…

To watch the full video, click here.


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